SNW - Weather Channel"s VP on horizons

Lucas Mearian ist Senior Reporter bei der Schwesterpublikation Computerworld  und schreibt unter anderem über Themen rund um  Windows, Future of Work, Apple und Gesundheits-IT.

So we"re going disk-to-disk in different locations. I wouldn"t be happy if I were dependent on recovering data from tapes.

So are you 100 percent on disk-to-disk backup? We have some data going disk-to-disk, not all of it. But that will be completed before the end of the year.

Are you getting rid of tape all together, or are you keeping it for archival only? Yes. We"re getting rid of it all together.

Are you going with EMC"s Centera, a virtual tape library. What? I"m piggybacking on the Weather Channel"s system right now. They"re picking, and I"m just using it. They"re still evaluating it.

We"ve bought some Hitachi [virtual tape libraries] and we"re running NetBackup [from Symantec"s Veritas division]. We like simple solutions. We"re going over Gigabit links. It"s a really easy configuration. It"s a triangle between two data centers and our home location.

What other issues have your attention? We need more support for Linux and open-source platforms. I think slowly you"re starting to see that, but it"s slow.